Researching The Very Stupid Man
I have always been interested in pre-history and in particular prehistoric man. I visited Banpo Village in Xi’an China where evidence of...

Population growth brings prosperity, diversity and opportunity to a city but it also brings increases in heat, density, crime and...

The Very Stupid Man
Once upon a time, a long long time ago, there lived a very stupid human. He was stupid because he didn’t know any of the things that we...

Path to Abstraction - An Interview
Tell us about your path to abstraction I was originally drawn to portraiture and the study of the human figure but became increasingly...

The Power of the Flower
This exhibition was inspired by two converging events in my life that resulted in a concept, a body of research and this series of works.

The power of the flower
Flowers are used to as a response to life events: death, birth, celebration, commiseration, joy. Floral tributes are a tangible representati

Painting from the subconscious
"Only mental blocks prevent you from seeing your pure natures. You are your own light. Look within your own self." His Holiness, The Dali...